Humans leave their presence far beyond then our solar system. here the list of  spacecraft that acquired escape velocity to cross our solar system and reach interstellar space.

Voyager 1

voyager image source : nasa

Launch  date : Sep 5 1977.

Launch siteCCAFS Space Launch Complex 41.

Objectives flybys of JupiterSaturn, and Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

Discoveries :    Voyager 1 studied the weather, magnetic fields, and rings of the  Jupiter and Satur and was the first  probe to provide detailed images of titan and other moon.

 Left solar system On August 25, 2012, Voyager 1 became  the first spacecraft to cross the heliopause ( bubble like region in space created by sun beyond this interstellar medium is present)and enter the interstellar medium.

 Power supply :  Radioisotopic thermo electric generator.

Mission control :  NASA / Jet Jropulsion Laboratory.

Future of the probeVoyager 1's extended mission is expected to continue until about 2025. 2025 - 2030, it won't able to power even a single instrument.  

Mission duration : 42 years 8 months.

Mission cost : 865 million USD (both voyager 1 and 2).

Voyager 2


voyager 2 image source : nasa

Launch date : 16 days before voyager 1.

Launch site CCAFS Space Launch Complex 41.

Objectives : Flyby of Saturn, Uranus and Jovian system (moons of Jupiter) exploration of Neptune system. 

 Discoveries At Uranus, Voyager 2 discovered 10  new moons and two new rings. Voyager 2 was the first human-made object to flyby Neptune.  At Neptune, Voyager 2 discovered  five moons, four rings, and a "Great Dark Spot."

 Left solar system : On November 5, 2018, at a distance  of 122 AU (1.83×1010 km) (about 16:58 light-hours) from the  Sun, moving at a velocity of  15.341 km/s relative to the Sun, Voyager 2 left the heliosphere, and entered the interstellar  (ISM), a medium region of outer  space beyond the influence of the Solar System.

 Power supply : Multihundred-Watt radioisotope  thermoelectric generators (MHWRTG).

 Mission control :  NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

  Future of the probe : on 2025 or later no longer able to supply power to any instrument.

 Mission duration : 42 years , 8 months.

  Mission cost 865 million USD (both voyager 1 and 2).

Pioneer 10
pioneer 10 image source : nasa

Launch Date :  March 2 , 1972.

Launch Site :  Cape Canaveral , Florida.

Objectives :  used to study the asteroid belt, the  environment around Jupiter, the solar windcosmic rays.

Discoveries :  performed flyby across Jupiter and its outer Sinope.

Left solar system :  Between July 15, 1972, and February 15, 1973, it became the first spacecraft to traverse the asteroid belt and reaches interstellar space.

Power supply :  4  radioisotope thermoelectric  generators.

Mission control :  NASA Ames Research Center, California.

Future of the probe :  It power supply was dead in 2003.

Mission duration:  30 years.

Mission cost:  350 million USD.  

Pioneer 11  

pioneer 11 image source : nasa

Launch date:  April 6 , 1973.

Launch site :  Cape canaveral , Florida.

Objectives :  To study the asteroid belt and the atmosphere of Jupiter, saturn jovian moons and cosmic rays. 

Discoveries :  Pioneer 11 found evidence of Saturn's "bow shock", or the spot where Saturn's magnetic field shielded the planet from the effects  of the sun. This was the first evidence NASA had about Saturn's magnetic field.

Left solar system :  last good engineering data was received on November 24, 1995. It is on its trajectory to take it out of  the solar system.

Power supply :  4 SNAP-19 radioisotope thermoelectric generators.

Mission control:   NASA Ames Research Center, California.

Future of the probe :  It was already dead,  last good engineering data was received on November 24, 1995.

Mission Duration : 22 years 5 month.

Mission coat : 150 million USD.

New Horizons

New Horizons image source : NASA

Launch date :  Jan 19 2006.

Launch site :  Cape Canaveral , Florida.

Objectives map the surface composition of Pluto and Charon. and to conduct  investigation on Kuiper belt.

 Discoveries :  perform flyby to Jupiter, Jovian moons and Pluto and reach kuiper belt.

Left solar system :  in August 2018, it passed hydrogen wall present in outer edge of solar  system.

 power supply radioisotope thermoelectric  generator (245.7 w at launch).

 Mission control :  Mission Operations Center (MOC) at the Applied Physics Laboratory iHoward County, Maryland.  

Future of the probe New Horizons is scheduled to continue studying the Kuiper Belt through at least 2021.     

Mission Duration :  Elapsed : 14 years 6 month.

Mission cost 
:  700  million USD.

to know further about new horizons 

check out our post : NEW HORIZONS 


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