These ghost particles are known as Neutrinos, these are massless subatomic particles with no charge hence they do not often interact with other particles. These ghost particles are any where in our surroundings, while most of the neutrinos are come from sun, a small may come from a dense black hole. It doesn't interact with any particles we can't able to trace it back from where it come. 

  These neutrinos are the messengers of space and time because they convey the information across space and time and nothing can destroy it. we can able to get a lot a information about universe from every single interactions of neutrino. In other words, ghost particles will reveal important and otherwise unknown information about the galaxy to those that study them. The only thing is, you need to be able to detect them in order to find out this information.

  Cosmic rays contains plenty amount of cosmic neutrino, a highly charged and energetic particles that slams in to earth continuously, from this we may conclude that  blazars ( powerful source of emission ) are accelerators of at least some of the fastest-moving cosmic rays.

 Blazars are a special type of superluminous active galaxy that blast out twin jets of light and particles, one of which is aimed directly at Earth, so that  blazars appear so bright to us because we're in the line of jet fire.

     Astronomers have identified several thousand blazars throughout the universe, none of which have yet been found to be slinging neutrinos at us like TXS 0506+056.
    neutrinos and antineutrinos pass through pretty much anything without even noticing: the most solid of rock is transparent to the particles, and trillions pass through your body without any side effects.

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