Showing posts from June, 2020

what is a Dyson sphere - Curiosity Streamer

THE DYSON SPHERE The human civilization’s growth is bou…

Xenon dark matter detector search for the new kind of dark matter - Curiosity Streamer

As we know dark matter is everywhere and it is not discovered yet. But,    Evidence for dark matte…

NASA will make first helicopter drone flying on other planet - Curiosity Streamer

NASA is ready to launch its first helicopter on another planet.  The robotic helicopter named Inge…

Earth losses its oxygen during auroral activity - Curiosity Streamer

Earth atmosphere losses several hundred tons of oxygen daily. Oxygen is very important of human …

Is Earth got its water through ancient star dust ? - Curiosity Streamer

Water has an essential role in origin of life and it plays an important part in day to day life. A…

Future of Human civilization - Kardashev Scale

KARDASHEV SCALE The human civilization (we) had occupied this planet …

A New planet discovered in Proxima Centuari system - Curiosity Streamer

Proxima Centauri is one the star in Alpha Centauri system, it is a small red dwarf star located ve…

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